Category Cryptography

Fortifying Cryptography with Impeccable Circuits: Impeccable Keccak Explained

Cybersecurity threats are evolving, and cryptographic implementations face growing risks from fault injection attacks. Fraunhofer AISEC’s research introduces Impeccable Keccak, a new approach to secure SPHINCS+, a post-quantum cryptography digital signature scheme that has been standardized by NIST in 2024. By leveraging impeccable circuits and ensuring active security, this represents a new approach to fault-resilient cryptography.

Fraunhofer AISEC commissioned by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI): new study of laser-based fault attacks on XMSS

Headerbild zum Blogartikel "Neue Studie zu Laser-basiertem Fehlerangriff auf XMSS" im Cybersecurityblog des Fraunhofer AISEC

To ensure the security of embedded systems, the integrity and authenticity of the software must be verified, for example through signatures. However, targeted hardware attacks enable malware to be used to take over the system. What risks are modern cryptographic implementations exposed to? What countermeasures need to be taken? To answer these questions, Fraunhofer AISEC was commissioned by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) to carry out a study of laser-based fault attacks on XMSS. The focus is on a hash-based, quantum-secure scheme for creating and verifying signatures based on the Winternitz One-Time-Signature (WOTS) scheme.

A (somewhat) gentle introduction to lattice-based post-quantum cryptography

In recent years, significant progress in researching and building quantum computers has been made. A fully-fledged quantum computer would be able to efficiently solve a distinct set of mathematical problems like integer factorization and the discrete logarithm, which are the basis for a wide range of cryptographic schemes. In 2016, NIST announced an open competition with the goal of finding and standardizing suitable algorithms for quantum-resistant cryptography. The standardization effort by NIST is aimed at post-quantum secure KEMs and digital signatures. In this article, two of the to-be-standardized algorithms, Kyber and Dilithium, are presented and some of their mathematical details are outlined. Both algorithms are based on so-called lattices and the thereupon constructed »Learning with Errors«, which we will get to know in the following.

Post-quantum cryptography in practice

The threat posed by quantum computers to the asymmetric cryptography in use today has been well known in the scientific community for more than 25 years, since Peter Shor published a polynomial algorithm for prime factorization to solve the discrete logarithm on a quantum computer. In recent years, crypto experts have increasingly been warning of the progress that is being made in quantum computing and its relevance for cryptography.

Research on post-quantum cryptography (PQC) at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC aims to enable businesses, government bodies and citizens to continue to have access to usable cryptography that will remain secure in the long term so they can keep their data secure. This blog article provides a brief overview of four ongoing projects.