Silvan Streit

Silvan Streit

Fraunhofer AISEC commissioned by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI): new study of laser-based fault attacks on XMSS

Headerbild zum Blogartikel "Neue Studie zu Laser-basiertem Fehlerangriff auf XMSS" im Cybersecurityblog des Fraunhofer AISEC

To ensure the security of embedded systems, the integrity and authenticity of the software must be verified, for example through signatures. However, targeted hardware attacks enable malware to be used to take over the system. What risks are modern cryptographic implementations exposed to? What countermeasures need to be taken? To answer these questions, Fraunhofer AISEC was commissioned by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) to carry out a study of laser-based fault attacks on XMSS. The focus is on a hash-based, quantum-secure scheme for creating and verifying signatures based on the Winternitz One-Time-Signature (WOTS) scheme.